Pod Point Wholesale Return Form

Please use this form in instances where you encounter a material issue and/or missing component which prevents you from successfully installing one of our units. Where applicable, a unit swap may be authorised at the branch you initially purchased the unit from, you will need to show the email you receive after this form is submitted in order to swap the unit for a new one if authorised.

Only registered and competent Installers with a login to the Pod Point commissioning portal can install and commission our units. Any units not commissioned through the portal by the Installer will not have an active warranty.

If you attempt to return a unit as a non-registered Installer you may not be provided authorisation for a unit swap or replacement components. Please complete our registration here before attempting to return a unit if you are not registered.

Details of defected product

Finish installation, a replacement component will be shipped, please provide address to ship to.

A PDF version of this document will be sent to you, please provide an alternative email address if preferable.

A replacement lid will be shipped, please provide address to ship to.

Package unit in box and return to Wholesale branch for swap.

Please contact Pod Point's Technician Support team by calling +44 207 247 4114, followed by option 3, then option 2. If resolution is unsuccessful, ensure to add a photo of issue to this form and submit, package unit up and swap at Wholesale branch.

Replace cable tie.

If you have been advised to swap the unit at a Wholesale Branch, ensure to show them the email you will receive after submitting this form when swapping to verify you have followed the process.

If you have any problems with using this form, please email wholesale.requests@pod-point.com